The Memories Of Mother…

The Memories Of Mother…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Today, I celebrate my mother in heaven. She was a woman that left this world early in life. I’ve often pondered what life would have been like for both of us had she lived through her many life struggles. People always told me she was the kindest person they ever met. That always made me proud to be her daughter.

Today, I will proudly wear her gold rose pin. She didn’t have a lot to leave behind in worldly possessions, but she left a legacy of being remembered for kindness. I wanted her mantle of kindness, and I asked God to allow me to pick it up. I pray he has. What is kindness, I ask myself this beautiful Mother’s Day morning. What exactly did I inherit.

The ability to put hope back into the one losing it today. A kind word at the right time. A gentle hug when the world seems too much. The gift of giving to others, impacting generations and so much more. Thanks, mom, for a great inheritance you gave to me.

As I was speaking at a conference last year, a young lady drew a picture regarding a title of another book I would write someday. Little did she know God had given me the same title from a young woman at a writers’ conference in New Mexico in 2007. Oh, the joy of connection.

Today, I pray you celebrate your mother. Make memories if you can. Forgive, forget, re-connect, love, share, kiss, hug, call and do whatever you can. For someday all you will have are the memories of mother.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Happy Mother’s Day 2024. Your best year yet!

Her children rise up and call her blessed. Proverbs 31:28

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