Blessed Because Of Mercy…

Blessed Because Of Mercy…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. It’s almost Christmas. I was thinking of God’s mercy this morning. We all have messed up in some way or another. Unfortunately, there are no perfect people here on earth. For all have sinned and fallen short. (Romans 3:23). We are all in need of God’s mercy.

When we give the gift of mercy to someone who has done us wrong, we let it go, so to speak, we are being merciful. Doesn’t make everything peachy, but it frees us. Sometimes the deeper the hurt, the longer it takes for us to show mercy and to forgive. When we are able to give it to God and let God deal with it, he is faithful to do so.

Sometime in our lives, we will need to extend mercy. Sometime in our lives we will need to pardon someone that has done us wrong. Is God asking you to give the gift of mercy today?  (Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Luke 6:36)

I am thankful for God’s mercy on my life. I needed his mercy. I still mess up from time to time and need other people’s mercy as well as God’s. How about you this morning? Ready to pardon some things that have been done against you today? Some people don’t even realize they have hurt us so deeply. We don’t always recognize when we have done others wrong either. Let’s be merciful today, Amen?

Let’s Pray:

Father, we thank you for your goodness towards all mankind. You are a God of mercy. Your Word tells us that blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. (Matthew 5:7) Father, may that be us today. May we extend mercy today to someone that needs it and may we receive your mercy as well.

Father, your Word tells us it is the Son that sets us free, and we will be free indeed. (John 8:36) May many today be set free and feel the joy return to their lives once again all across this globe today. All because of God’s mercy. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. May we all be led by mercy.

Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. (Luke 6:36)

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