Free To Believe…

Free To Believe…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. One thing I love about walking with God is that he gives me the choice to journey life with him. He doesn’t force anyone to believe anything. He will however reveal truth to us as we pray and ask him to show us truth.

I have gotten so mad at myself before because I believed something that was a lie. When I discovered truth as God highlighted truth to me, it changed everything. Not everything that we are told is truth, nor everything we see or read. That’s why we need to ask God for wisdom and discernment every day.

Ready for the fifty second day of your best year yet? Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you that you reveal truth to us, and it is the truth that sets us free. (John 8:36) Father, you know everything about us, nothing is hidden from you. You tell us that the first will be last and the last will be first. (Matthew 20:16) You always look straight to the heart of man.

Father, today we pray for wisdom and discernment. You tell us if any man lacks wisdom, let him ask. We ask and receive today. (James 1:5)

Father, many have grown up in religion and want to be free from manmade rules, lies believed and want to walk in the freedom that you paid for. Man has boxed you up, tried to stop your love only to be received by a select few. We tear that lie down today and believe that you are a loving Father who loves to journey every day with your people. (John3:16)

Father, thank you that you are closer than a brother. Today may we see your love, experience your love in new ways and give your love away. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Thank him for revealing truth to you today and be free to believe…

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